Singapore Industrial /Commercial Progressive Payment Calculator Calculator: SIngapore Industrial & Commercial Progressive Payment CalculatorΔ Singapore Industrial/ Commercial PropertyProgressive Payment CalculatorCreated by MySgProp Quick Bank Loan EligibilityCalculate Loan Eligibility: Based on TDSRQuick Bank Loan Eligibility Check Quick Bank Loan Eligibility CheckAdd more stress to the interest rate? (Current MAS stress test guideline is 4%)Applicant 1I am: Employed (Fixed) Self-Employed (Variable)Monthly Income ($)Include 13th Month Bonus (70%) Include 13th Month BonusAgeApplicant 2I am: Employed (Fixed) Self-Employed (Variable)Monthly Income ($)Include 13th Month Bonus (70%) Include 13th Month BonusAgeAdd more applicant Add More ApplicantBank Loan Eligibility: IWAA (Income Weighted Average Age) Extend loan another 10 years (i.e max LTV 55%)Max Loan Tenure (Years)Max Loan Tenure (Years)Estimated Loan Eligibility – Combined ($)Max Purchase Price with 80% Loan – Combined ($) Singapore Industrial/ Commercial Property Progressive Payment Calculator Property Price ($) Financing: Loan Required (%)80Interest Rate(%)4.5Loan Tenure (Years)0!Important: Loan Tenure should NOT exceed “Max Loan Tenure” as shown in following:Your Max Loan Tenure (Years)Loan Amount ($)Monthly Instalment ($)Income Sources Employed (Fixed) Self-Employed (Variables)Minimum Monthly Income Required ($)Pledging / Unpledging Pledge / Unpledge to match income requirementsHooray! Your income is enough to cover the minimum requirements. You don’t need to do Pledge / Unpledge. Pledging (Deposit 4 Years) Amount Required:Unpledge (Show Fund) Amount Required:Your estimated monthly instalment is $ Based on total loan amount of $ at interest rate of % for years Do You need to Pay GST?GST Rate (%)– Select –90 (claimed)ABSD Tips Show TipsIf you’re buying under GST registered company / person, you can claimed back the GST. We provide One-Stop solution to help you to incorporate the company, register for GST, and claim back the GST paid. Tips: With effective from 1st Jan 2024, Singapore GST had raised the GST from 8% to 9%. Your Payable GST Amount is $ Based on total purchase price of $ Initial Cash Outlay Inclusive of Taxes, but exclusive of Legal Fee which typically at $2500-3500. We do have long-term partnership with various law firms, which you could enjoy the preferential rate via our recommendations. For Purchase Price ofTotal Amount Payable Within 8 Weeks is $During the construction, you will need to pay $ Total Amount Required (initial + construction): $Breakdown of payment: Booking 5% (cash only)BSD (Buyer Stamp Duty)BSD (Buyer Stamp Duty)BSD (Buyer Stamp Duty)BSD (Buyer Stamp Duty)BSD (Buyer Stamp Duty)GST 9%Downpayment 15% TOTAL Initial Cash OutlayPayment Required During ConstructionTotal Cash required on top of bank loan: Total Payment RequiredShow Buying Process Show Buying Process Progressive Payment Based on the Loan of %, or total loan amount of $ at interest rate of % for years, the following is the example of progressive payment for illustration purpose. Take note if you have a fractional Loan %, it will auto round down to 80% / 75% / 65% / 60% / 55% / 50% / 45% / 40% / 15% / 0%, to align with construction stages and ease the calculation for illustration purpose. Construction StagesAmount ($) (without GST)Monthly Instalment ($)5% Foundation/ 地基5% Foundation/ 地基Inst. (6-9months)5% Foundation/ 地基 (9 ~ 12 months)5% Foundation/ 地基Inst. (6-9months)10%: Framework/ 框架 (3 ~ 6 months)10%: Framework/ 框架Inst. (3-6months)5%: Walls/ 墙壁 (3 ~ 6 months)5%: Walls/ 墙壁Inst. (3-6months)5%: Ceiling/ 天花板 (3 ~ 6 months)5%: Ceiling/ 天花板Inst. (3-6months)5%: Door & window/ 门窗 (3 ~ 6 months)5%: Door & window/ 门窗Inst. (3-6months)5%: Electrical /电气 (3 ~ 6 months)5%: Roads /道路Inst. (3-6months)5%: Road /道路 (3 ~ 6 months)5%: Roads /道路Inst. (3-6months)25%: TOP / 拿钥匙 (6 ~ 12 months)25%: Vacant Possession/ 拿锁匙Inst. (9-12months)10%: Legal Completion/ 法定完工 15%: Legal Completion/ 法定完工Full InstalmentShow EC Deferred Payment Table Show Payment Scheme Disclaimer: * The calculator/ results here are provided as general guideline for information only.* All information provided have been treated with care based on Latest Policy set out by authorities/ financial institutions, and should not be liable for any inaccuracy. * Should you need any clarifications, please contact us for more information. Do You Need Help? Getting a property has many things to consider including the buying eligibility, loan restriction, income ceiling…etc. You might get confused, especially if you’re 1st time buying. Our teams are well-trained in financing. Shall you need help, do get in touch with us. We are direct developer representative. Let us help you and get the best price/ discount for you. No Agent Fee Required. NameEmailPhone/MobileSubmit Form